Welcome to the Message Launch Program Roadmap


Unlock the path to writing, publishing, and marketing a book that carries the unique message you're called to share! Our comprehensive course is designed to guide you every step of the way.

In this free 20-minute training video, you'll get an exclusive overview of our roadmap and discover how we can help you transform your journey into a powerful message that impacts lives.

Watch the Free Training Video Below!

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Ready to take the next step and share what only you can?

REGISTER NOW for the Message Launch Program!

Dear Ministers and Kingdom-minded Influencers,

Have you been ministering for a while, but you STILL feel confused about sharing your heart message because it doesn’t come out CLEAR?

Do you CONSTANTLY picture yourself sharing revelation through writing and speaking, but you just can’t seem to figure out HOW to create a platform so you can share your message consistently?

Do you desire to sell a book, courses, or programs on AUTOPILOT so you can have RESIDUAL INCOME to help support other ministries, yours and your family?

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You’ve purchased courses that tell you “what to do” but you’ve been going in circles for a LONG time and are beginning to doubt yourself and your abilities to make an impact on the world.

  • If you had a GUIDE to help you, you KNOW you could accomplish what God has placed on your heart through writing and speaking.

  • You don’t know the FIRST THING about designing a book or creating a platform, but if you’re STILL in this same place in 5 years, you don't know what you're going to do because people need your message!

Who is this program for?

  1. Those who are good writers and speakers but desire a roadmap to finally bring everything together for them.

  2. Those who are motivated but need accountability and focused-uninterrupted time to complete the task.

  3. Those who may have tried unsuccessfully to write a book or launch a speaking ministry, but the Holy Spirit is telling you you’re not finished with it yet.

If that sounds like you, let us assure you – you’re not alone!  We have met and helped many ministers navigate their way through the confusing process of writing, launching and publishing their books, courses and programs. It all comes back to your message. 

Not everyone even feels the need to write a book, but we wholeheartedly believe that once you have a book in your hand, many doors of opportunity open up to you! We have seen this be the case for over 40+ authors.

The key to accomplishing anything is to focus on just one piece at a time, and work towards your goals with the end in mind. And that’s why WE are here to help you along the way.


Hi! We’re Jenna and Rigel, and along with the entire Message Launch Program Team,  we have a huge passion for ministers who have a message inside of them and who want to get that message out to the world. We have helped over 50+ ministers books go from inside someone’s head to fully published and launched. 

Having struggled ourselves for years trying to “crack the code” of running an online business and creating a platform for ourselves, we understand some of what you’re going through. We spent thousands of dollars and wasted many years paying for pieces of the puzzle, when what we really needed was someone to come alongside us and help us from start to finish. Finally we received that help, but it took forever and cost a ton. 

Our desire is to now help other ministers see success without half the headaches (or cost) that we encountered. Our desire is to create low-cost programs that are strategic and don’t waste your time or leave your projects incomplete. 

We want you to walk away feeling like you own your ministry and are confident in the systems we create together in order for you to make an impact – whether that’s to sell books, have speaking engagements, or teach courses on autopilot. We’ve found that once people know exactly what to do, the execution is much simpler. We have seen what happens when we help our client’s produce a strategic, tailored roadmap – taking them from confused to purposeful, from unknown to sought out authors and speakers, and from not making any money to bringing in a substantial income to further their ministry purposes. This is our desire for you too! And we thrive at diligently guiding others towards a goal and not giving up until it’s accomplished.


Now that we’ve worked over a decade helping coach people through a 3 Step Process of writing their book, then publishing, and then launching it, we know it takes time and effort. 

So we’ve created a course that covers just the first phase of Writing the Book. Why? Because writing your book is like buying a boat. Once it’s written, the journey can begin. And often it’s the hardest part for people to accomplish because they get paralyzed by thoughts of how to market it (even though they’re not even there yet!) 

What Makes Our Course Different?

Our course, unlike other book-writing courses out there, helps you write your book strategically in a way that speaks directly to your audience. Our templates purposefully guide you to write each chapter in a way that easily translates to workbooks, speaking engagements, courses, and online advertising!  

You see, writing a book may be easy for some people, but crafting a message with a strategic vision for spreading it is much more difficult.

When you join our Message Launch Program: 

You will exit the program having accomplished the following:

  • HOW TO share your message strategically by Completing Your Book Roadmap: Clear outlines and roadmaps for each chapter, forming the foundational message for your book. This can be further utilized to produce any content or future products to share your message.

  • HOW TO describe your ministry purpose in a succinct and attractive way by Developing a Branding Guide: Establish a cohesive and impactful brand language for your book and future projects. 

  • HOW TO quickly and confidently complete your book after having written and critiqued Your First Chapter: Get a strong start on your book with personalized guidance.

  • HOW TO confidently format your book by Creating a Digital Book Template: Includes all front and back matter pages, and the ability to transfer your book chapter outputs to your fillable book template ready for publishing!

  • HOW TO Leverage AI Technology to complete your book, workbooks, and future projects fast and efficiently: Optional training on how to use AI tools to write your chapters using roadmaps and personal audio transcripts with our “speak as you write” system.

How will the content be delivered?

  • An online portal that guides you through our 8-week course; complete with video tutorials and templates to begin work right away.

  • 1-on-1 Private Session with your writing coach: Draw out your marketable message and create an outline of your book from scratch. Benefit from your writing coach's experience of empowering over 45 authors on writing and self-publishing books.

  • 8 Weekly Live Classes on Tuesdays at 7 PM CST: Includes personal Q&A sessions and access to class recordings. Stay accountable and make progress even during busy times.

  • A 1-hour Strategic Roadmap Session with your launch coach to determine the perfect course of action for you to pursue once the Book Writing phase is complete. Each client is different and there are many ways to market your message! Let your launch coach help you create a game plan to do it in a way that is comfortable and cohesive to who you are!

  • You will have Lifetime Access to our "Write Your Book" Course. Stay connected with updates and resources.

What we will cover:

Along with the following content, I will make sure your expectations are a PRIORITY. So whether you want to focus on writing your book, selling your book, booking speaking tours, growing your email list, etc. I will work your ideals into our Strategic Roadmap Session to ensure the best experience possible.

  1. FIND YOUR NICHE: Did you know you have a niche of people who are looking for your book already? We begin by seeking God on who you’re called to reach and what gives you credibility to do so. Then we strategically research your niche so you can speak directly to their hearts. 

  2. MARKETABLE MESSAGE: Once you discover your marketable message, it will resonate with your core and with others. This simple, yet powerful message will enable you to speak confidently about what results your book will deliver in the lives of others!

  3. YOUR BOOK JOURNEY: Most people don’t have a plan when writing their book. This is a huge oversight and ends up leaving readers confused. This section is where we will develop the journey you intend to take your reader on from start to finish. Our templates are proven roadmaps to enable you to make the greatest impact on your reader so that they can easily learn from your book and communicate to others how your book transformed their lives. 

  4. YOUR CHAPTER JOURNEY: Once your Book Journey is developed, writing each subsequent chapter journey is easy and fun! Sometimes authors dump too much into one chapter. However, through this process you will learn how to write each chapter in an impactful and manageable way. Your readers will never be overwhelmed because they will gradually receive life-changing truth, one chapter at a time.  

  5. MESSAGE BRAND GUIDE: Your book isn’t the only thing you need to focus on. Your entire message (including who YOU are) should be succinct and clear to your audience. A message brand guide will keep all of your content (books, workbooks, courses, etc.) consistent with who you are and what impact you desire to make. This is critical to your success!

  6. YOUR BOOK ROADMAP: Pulling all the pieces together, forming chapter titles and being consistent in how you write each chapter will make reading your book so much more enjoyable. We guide you through this from start to finish.

  7. WRITE YOUR BOOK: Completing and editing your first chapter is a huge milestone that will be accomplished this week! You may have already written chapters before, but everything leading up to this week will enable you to write this chapter with confidence that it’s a) not off-topic, b) has an intended takeaway for the reader, c) will entice them to keep reading onto the next chapter. 

  8. FINISH YOUR MANUSCRIPT: We have made it easy for you to insert everything you’ve worked on up to this point into our Digital Book Template. No guessing about where to put your Table of Contents, Forward, Chapters and Appendix. It’s all laid out for you and easy to adapt!

  9. BONUS COACHING SESSION—LAUNCH AND WHERE TO GO FROM HERE: Once all the hard work of creating your message, writing and laying out your book is complete, your launch coach will sit with you and create a blueprint for future success! Do you want to self-publish or pursue a publisher? How do you want to market your stuff? Do you want to be a touring speaker, a stay-at-home mom who runs her book on autopilot, a teacher who uses books to expand your platform…or something else. Your launch coach can help you create an easy-to-execute plan that works with your lifestyle and preferences so that you aren’t left wondering what your next steps will be. 

Amazing Bonuses Just for You:

Because we have worked with so many authors, we have many proven templates for you to be able to market well! 

  • Plug-and-Play Content and Product Templates: For various platforms like podcasts, YouTube, webinars, blogs, and e-learning courses. Includes small group product with video scripts and guided workbook, podcast templates, YouTube or sermon series templates, social media posts, and email automation sequences.

  • Personalized Book Launch Plan: Proven strategies to increase your rankings on Amazon. Simply fill in your dates and follow your plan!

  • Access to Self-Publish Professionally Training: Learn how to self-publish your book, retain all rights, including cover design, editing, formatting and distribute on all major channels (just like any other big box publisher!) through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more.

  • Quick-Start Marketing Funnel Training: Build your book landing page, set up email automation sequences, receive donations and revenue, and speaking engagement calendar.

  • Free 14-day trial for all-in-one software solution—if you need it!: Create your website and manage contacts. Includes email, text and voicemail automation capabilities, CRM, course creation, seamless opt-in creation, stripe donation and product payment capabilities, social media pre-scheduling, and more!

  • Quick Launch Training: Specialized training to connect with your target audience on LinkedIn. Plan your book tour, spread your message, and connect with potential donors, partners (ministry), or clients if you are a business with our Sow to Grow Method. Includes invitation to a step-by-step book launch class.

  • Quick Content Template Tutorial: Easily use your bonus content templates

We love walking people through this process – it is why God placed us on this earth! Thank you for trusting us with your message!


“The Message Launch Program, led by a kingdom-minded team, offer leaders an accessible low-cost coaching option. They provide a systematic and imaginative step-by-step procedure that walks with you as you transform your disorganized and unfocused and uninspiring thoughts into a focused uplifting message of hope for your intended audience.” —J. Skinner

“In the past, I’ve sought out and paid other coaches to help draw my message out of me and never ended up with a book or anything really. The difference is you…first and foremost being a person of God and being led by the spirit. Another difference is the time, energy, diligence, and care you put into me as a client.” —E. Patrick

“I really recommend the message launch program! They were a huge answer to prayer for my husband and I when we were asking the Lord how do we author a book, publish a book, and let alone try to market it? It was absolutely pivotal in helping me and bringing my message together so that I felt confident with the end result. And I really loved how it's a self-paced process because I could do it on my schedule.” —E. Weisbrodt

We look forward to helping you launch your God-given message, too!

...no matter if your previous marketing efforts have yielded you little or no results!

  • Are you struggling to get more of your best current customers and for them to leave you more reviews?

  • Do you want to have a marketing system that is able to grow and scale itself, and bring in new clients on its own?

  • Are you frustrated by the fact that you know you need help but you just don't know where to spend your money to generate the immediate results you are looking for?

  • Are you worried it'll cost a fortune or take working 24 hours days before you can figure out how to finally be able to start up-selling or offering your current customers new offers and promotions they actually might want to buy?

I know it sounds crazy and you're probably even a little torn right now because despite the fact that you want to get your business to start working for YOU and have the ability to prioritize your time and resources in areas that will achieve growth for your business...

...you might also think that you are done throwing money at things that promise they are going to work but they haven't... you've tried them, you ended up doing all the work yourself, and in the end they just didn't work for your business; these type of experiences are holding you business back.

With all that going on in your head, no wonder trying to attract more of your ideal clients and getting them in a consistent stream of qualified leads for your business seems like a pipe dream at this point.

I felt the same way for years as I was reading all these books, taking all these courses, buying all these different programs, and trying all these different approaches to getting new clients and growing your business and getting your next ideal client and nothing was working consistently. It felt like I was on a roller coaster, and it was so darn stressful…

But then I found the secret to get my business to start working for me and have the ability to prioritize time and resources in areas that achieve true business growth!

As well as personal life growth in the areas that really matter (family, friends, life-calling, purpose) ...that changed my life forever!

So right now, I’m going to share with you EXACTLY how

YOU can do business with more of your ideal clients

and getting more of them in a consistent stream of qualified leads for your business in just 30 days without any risk whatsoever…

By this point you are probably asking...

why should I listen to you?

I completely understand how you feel

...because I went through the same struggles you’re going through right now.

I’m Jenna... co-founder of Market Professionally and our Marketing Automation System.

  • I have executed hundreds of marketing campaigns that have produced results for a variety of influencers, businesses and non-profit organizations.
  • We make it possible for you to find the time to focus on growing your business and focusing on activities that are going to make a real impact, instead of worrying about marketing efforts that aren't producing the results you know you could be getting for your business.
  • Market Professionally's Marketing Automation System is a marketing system that actually works for you and your business by automating the process of advertising to booking qualified leads to getting positive google reviews from your customers!

And I want YOU to be able to experience that same kind of success…

Now, I know what you’re thinking...

“But Jenna, I’ve wasted time and money on getting new clients and growing your business books, products & courses, and they didn’t do a thing.”


“I just don’t know where to start.”


“I’ve tried a bunch of getting your next ideal client stuff before, and nothing worked.”


“All I want to know is, How the heck do I actually start seeing a consistent stream of new, qualified leads who WANT to do business with me, so I can get my business to start working for ME and start investing my profits and innovating my business in ways that are going to set me apart from the competition?!!”

Well, the tricky thing is, you’ve been told that figuring out how to start seeing a consistent stream of new, qualified leads who WANT to do business with you is super hard, complicated, and a real nightmare, right?

So right now, I’m going to share with you something that will fix ALL of that!

Here's The Business Marketing Solution You've Been Waiting For!

It’s a simple and PROVEN system I created that takes you from zero to doing business with more of your ideal clients as well as getting more of them as a consistent stream of qualified leads for your business in just 30 days!

It’s Market Professionally's "Complete marketing automation Blueprint

it is a tailored blueprint for your business that will make your customer's journey from ad to booking to 5-star google review a breeze!.. and It is Specifically Designed For hard-at-work Business Owners Just Like You.

This blueprint I created takes you from zero to doing business with more of your ideal clients as well as getting more of them in a consistent stream of qualified leads for your business in as little as 30 days!

Right now there are people generating 10X returns on their advertising spend - and people putting $1 in their business and getting $2 out.

Here's an example of a commercial department in an energy company. They have always relied on salesmen and brokers for the bulk of their business until recently...

2 qualified leads in the first two days...

30 qualified leads in the last 7 days!

We're talking about an energy company... guys, everyone sells energy.

So if you think you're in a business that is oversaturated and won't work with ads, think again!

Is that cool or what?

Take advantage of Market Professionally's Complete Marketing Automation Blueprint and it will change your business for the better!

Would you like to know how to get started?

Here are just a few of the items that you could experience in your business from Market Professionally's Complete Marketing Automation Blueprint.

PLUS, act now and you'll also receive an AMAZING Limited-time Bonus!


Tailored Marketing

Funnel Design

Sales-oriented webpages that lead potential customers to go through your qualified lead process so you can receive instant notifications for qualified leads who want you to call them, which means you save time searching for prospects who might be interested in what you have to offer. No more trying to convince them to buy what you are selling. They will WANT to buy from you!


Digital Advertising Insights

Discover the ads (messages) that best attract your ideal clients, which means you can stop dreaming about them and let them come to you.


Automated Customer Communications (Two-way SMS, voicemail drops, email, etc.)

A process we go through to identify each customer communication touch points that would prompt a welcoming text, email or phone call that can be automated so you can communicate promptly and professionally with your customers which means saving you from doing manual communications that will set your business apart in the eyes of your customers.


Social Reviews & Reputation Streamlining

Your business's reputation (customer reviews) are the source of repeat-business. Timing and ease is critical to achieve consistent 5-star reviews. We show you how.


Advertising Strategy

& Execution

Ad strategy for each of your offers from testing top-converting advertisements that increase your ROAS multiplier (return on ad spend).

...no matter if your previous marketing efforts have yielded you little or no results!

We’ve broken the entire growing your business from ad to booking your next ideal client to 5-star Google review process down for you 1 step at a time...

That means, with Market Professionally's Complete Marketing Automation Blueprint, you’re able to start seeing a consistent stream of new, qualified leads who WANT to do business with you, run your business with systems that produce results, and have all of your marketing and communications systems integrated easier, faster, and with more confidence than you could any other way!

Schedule your Complete Marketing Automation Blueprint Development Meeting, completely FREE

so you can Start Seeing A Consistent Stream Of New, Qualified Leads Who WANT To Do Business With You.

This changes everything.

Click the link below to schedule today!

Message Launch Program - All rights reserved